Is Your Marriage Everything it was Meant to be? Take some time to reflect on your marriage this Advent season. If you feel a sense of sadness or disillusionment, you are not alone. Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vī) can help your marriage heal and thrive. For confidential information call
206-706-2608 or visit the website at
What is the Retrouvaille program? Retrouvaille is a community of disciples committed to helping hurting couples heal their marriages. The Retrouvaille program offers couples the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine their lives in a new and positive way. No matter what is causing the hurt, couples can find healing.
Who is it for? It is for couples with strained marriages, including those in the initial stages of distress, as well as those in a state of hopelessness and considering divorce. While many attendees are Catholic, married couples of all faiths are welcome.
How can you help? Hurting couples
need to see our bulletin announcements multiple times before they make the decision to attend our program; the repeated messages over time weigh on their hearts.
Please help these couples by running our announcements for 6 straight weeks prior to a Retrouvaille weekend events. Many couples say Retrouvaille was a lifeline that helped save their marriages.