New Video: How to Help Save Lives Across the Globe
by Jennifer Ibach
Catholics Confront Global Poverty, a joint initiative of the USCCB and CRS, has prepared a new video and action alert aimed at a vital aspect of the “fiscal cliff” situation.
Congress is deliberating how much funding to make available for poverty-focused international assistance. While our nation’s fiscal challenges are significant, poverty-focused international assistance makes up less than 1% of the U.S. federal budget. This little bit of funding saves millions of lives around the world. Cutting this assistance will not balance the federal budget, but it will cost lives.
Reducing future unsustainable deficits is important, but it must be done in a morally responsible way that gives priority to those who are poor and vulnerable at home and abroad. To resolve our fiscal crisis our nation should consider increased revenue, cuts to unnecessary military and other spending, and just and fair entitlement reform.
Your vocal support for lifesaving international assistance over the last several years has prevented cuts and even regained funding. Your voice is now needed again. Contact your members of Congress today and urge them to support poverty-focused international assistance.