This is a seasonally low time for donations at our local food banks and they need your help. One way to replenish their shelves is through the Lettuce Pray program. If you're a home gardener, here's all you need to do to participate: pick what's fresh in your garden, bring it to church, and put it in the Lettuce Pray box in the narthex by 11am. If you don’t garden, you can also buy fresh produce and donate it. Lettuce Pray volunteers will pick up the produce and transfer it directly to the West Seattle and White Center Food Banks. Please keep in mind that many food bank patrons walk so keep the produce light! Thank you for sharing what comes from your heart -- and your garden -- with those in need in our community! Lettuce Pray will run through Sunday, October 2. For more information, contact Jennifer Ibach at
[email protected] or 206-935-0358 x.120.