What is a Fireside Chat? Fireside Chats are opportunities for parishioners to share with Fr. Kevin and a representative from our Pastoral Council their thoughts and ideas about the questions listed below. It is also a great opportunity for parishioners to reconnect and/or get to know each other better.
What will we be asked? • What do you value most about OLG? •How can we, as a parish, continue to support each other? • As we think about life post COVID, what should our focus be for the near and longer-term future of OLG?
Are these in-person? No. Due to the pandemic these are being held through ZOOM videoconference or telephone. Assistance can be provided, if needed.
How many attendees are at each session? To allow everyone the opportunity to share we have capped registration at 10
How long are the listening sessions? Anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half depending on the number of participants.
Can I just listen, or do I need to participate? While our wish is to hear from all attendees if you would like to join as an observer we understand and respect that.
Who do we want to hear from? EVERYONE!Parishioners, school families, young adults, youth, seniors, members of our parish and school leadership. It is important that we hear from everyone so as to reflect the diversity of our parish.
How will the information gathered in these sessions be used? We know this past year has been challenging. As we head into 2021 these listening sessions will provide Fr. Kevin, the Pastoral Council and parish staff with information to begin some short and long term planning. These listening sessions are just the first step in engaging parishioners in the planning process.