As a Church and a nation, we are polarized and divided. Pope Francis challenges us to respond by building a “better kind of politics, one truly at the service of the common good” (Fratelli Tutti, no. 154). We are called to overcome division, promote encounters with our neighbors, and seek the truth. Join Catholics across the country in living out A Better Kind of Politics by pledging charity, clarity, and creativity to promote the common good.
The Bishops write, "As the 2024 election season begins, our Washington State bishops encourage all Catholics to serve as ambassadors of civility and to exercise our right and responsibility of political engagement prayerfully,thoughtfully and in accordance with our faith-beliefs to promote the common good and the dignity and sanctity of every life...CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
Racism and Voting A two-pager published by the U.S. Conference of Catholic bishops highlighting the historical and systemic lack of access to voting for some communities of color.
iVoteCatholic 7-weeks of Church Teaching from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati designed to help us develop a deeper understanding of the Church's commitment to a consistent ethic of life which guides us to be advocates for a variety of issues related to life and human dignity.
Civilize It: Dignity Beyond the Debate A pledge to promote civility, love our neighbors, and bulid community.
Voting is an Act of Love Explore the intersection of gospel values and political engagement with the Ignatian Solidarity Network.
Washington State Secretary of State Register to vote or make changes here. Register in-person through 8pm on Election Day at the King County Elections Office in Renton. Visit