Youth Migrant Project is on!
The Youth Migrant Project summer mission trip for teens (graduating 8th graders through graduating seniors) is moving ahead! We will be accepting applications and preparing for a week of service in the Skagit Valley from August 10-14. This program, in its 5th year at OLG, gives youth a chance to learn about migrant life by visiting the camps, working in the fields, and distributing food through the Tri-Parish Food Bank. We will join with youth from St. Anne, St. James and St. George. We will continue to monitor updated health advice as we proceed. Even if the regular program isn’t possible in its entirety, we hope to do something to assist the essential farmworkers and their families as they labor to put food on our tables! Applications are due by Sunday, May 31. To download an application, go to the OLG Outreach page and click on the YMP 2020 Application link under "Documents" on the left side of the screen. Email Jennifer for more information ([email protected]).